
New types of threats against people, infrastructure, buildings, data and reputation are constantly evolving, demanding a considered security strategy to protect the built environment. Our design-led security approach utilises a proportionate balance of natural, physical, technological and operational solutions to deliver cost savings, protect client reputation and deliver a safer, smarter and more secure user experience.

Our work starts with an accurate assessment of threat and risk. This enables development of a realistic and achievable security strategy that compliments the architect’s vision and client’s operational need.

This layered and integrated security approach reduces vulnerabilities, improves asset protection, deters crime opportunity and can deliver cost benefits.
Our security consultants draw upon an impressive portfolio of projects, deep industry knowledge, applicable regional standards and best practice. We advise with independence and impartiality on products and services to a wide range of cross-sector clients.

We apply the latest threat identification technology and analysis, educate our clients and their staff on essential security awareness, and offer advice on strategy, resilience, sustainability, interpretability and integration. Minimising impact on operations and allow business as usual.

As SABRE Registered Assessors and Registered Professionals, we can contribute to obtaining SABRE credits across the design journey as well as providing a Suitably Qualified Security Specialist to support BREEAM accreditation (HEA 06). SABRE is a recognised industry benchmark and gold standard for security design and allows organisations to evidence their commitment to security while demonstrating their management of security risk. SABRE credits provide assurance to tenants, insurers, investors, regulators and planning authorities.

Spotlight on our work in practice

30 St Mary Axe, London

This iconic building is home to many global tenants, including Swiss Re and Kirkland & Ellis. At 180m tall the building, designed by Foster & Partners, has been a London skyline landmark since 2004. JSRE approached Hilson Moran as their Electronic Access Control Systems required replacement to provide a more integrated, modern and robust system to allow better user operation. We developed interfaces with the latest technology including smart phones as access credentials, QR code visitor management systems and facial recognition. Due to the multi-tenant occupation, the project reduced the amount of access cards required to be used in Landlord and Tenant areas, and provided more control over

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Spotlight on our  work in practice

Accreditation, standards & affiliations

Services by our Security team

Pre-design services

  • Feasibility Studies
  • In-Use Condition Surveys
  • Crime, Threat & Vulnerability Assessments
  • Security Risk Assessments
  • Security Needs Assessments (BREEAM)


Security design services

  • Masterplanning
  • Security Strategy
  • RIBA Stage Security Engineering Services
  • Integrated Electronic Security System Design
  • Security Control Room Design
  • Due diligence and audit
  • Tender Preparation
  • Commissioning
  • Witness Testing
  • Technical Assurance
  • Operations Advice
  • Life Cycle Planning
  • Life Cycle Management

Crime prevention & Risk

  • Secured by Design Advice
  • Crime Prevention Advice
  • BRE SABRE Registered Professional Consultant Services
  • BRE SABRE Registered Assessor Services
Services by our Security team

We are interdisciplinary

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Our Security projects

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